visitors vehicles entrance authorization for dorm residents, bachelor degree Letter of undertaking – visitors vehicles entrance authorization for dorm residents, bachelor degree By signing this undertaking letter you will be enabled to authorize entrance by vehicle for your visitors on campus. ID Number*Surname*First name*Cellular phone*Adress: dorm, building, apartment, room*Faculty / department* I, the undersigned, equest to enable me, from time to time, to authorize entrance for my gusts vehicles to the campus. These authorizations will be accessed by my assigned username and personal password of my campus email: I am obliged to ensure that my visitors park legally and according to the on-campus parking regulations. Parking is allowed on the circumferential road (David Roz Av.) and not at the dormitory area. I am obliged not to authorize entrance on behalf of another person. I am aware that in the event I get caught doing so my right to authorize vehicle will be denied. I am obliged that my visitors will act according to the campus regulations and the Technion's security safety instructions. I am permitted to authorize vehicle entrance to the campus – this permit is valid for the current academic year and under the conditions that I resume residency at the dorms. I am aware that my permit is restricted to following schedule: Sunday-Thursday after 15:30 and before 07:00, weekends 24 hours, during academic vacations that will be determined by the security officer. Any parking not in accordance with the forementioned restrictions shall be a violation of the terms of the permit "visitor's vehicles entrance authorization for dorm residents". I am aware that any violation of the terms specified in this document will be grounds for any of the following proceedings according to the security officer's judgment: fining (up to 100 NIS), towing (including entering the vehicle itself in order to tow), attaching wheel clamps or attaching stickers to the vehicle's windshield and harging any expenses involved. I give my consent to charge these fees, if need be, from my bank account through the Technion's students billing department, according to the information I have provided, with my signature I give the Technion and/or the Technion's billing department power of attorney to acts described at this segment. I am aware that the campus is private property and I give my consent to search any vehicle that will be invited by me as they enter and/or exit the premises if and when the security officer or others on his behalf shall instruct to do so. I am aware that my permit to authorize vehicle entrances is conditioned by adhering to the terms specified in this document, including all sections . I am obliged to inform my gusts of the aforementioned, and to demand they act according to the Technion's regulations and the security officer's instructions. I declare that all the personal information I gave in this document is true and complete and I undertake. The username and password are personal and not transferable between people. Defying this will lead to blocking the user for the rest of the academic year.E-mail*Notes* I read and I agree